(hosea 2 vs 19-20)
Mike's Version
I was sitting outside the Head of the River pub as was frequent after our 6:30 services (back in the day) and, being the student i was, didn't have any food in the house (Tam and I had probably eaten it previously, within 5 mins of the food entering the house) so as everyone started to go their separate ways i asked to the group as a whole “Who's cooking me dinner then?” and Claire said “I will” so we wandered to her house and she showed me to the kitchen and asked me what i wanted, it then ended up with me cooking Claire dinner and she sat ad chatted to me. It was “Tuna Surprise” if anyone is interested. We then chatted and played on the Wii and it was just a fun evening...
Claire's Version
After the 6.30pm service one Sunday we all went to the pub (as usual). It was June and I was about to sit my 3rd year finals. Rather ironically I was busy complaining about all the potential couples in the group who were flirting a lot and not actually getting together. ANYWAY. Mike was complaining about not having eaten, I was thinking it time to go home to revise so I agreed as long as he cooked. As I revised he ended up cooking me dinner and playing Wii with house-mate Andrzej. We agreed to do it again some time when I'd finished finals.