(hosea 2 vs 19-20)
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First Date
Ready Steady Cook Dating
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Some Stuff
Mike's Version
Stuff will magically appear here once the wedding has happened, look back later.Claire's Version
Finally, the day arrived! And it was REALLY hot. Suffocating in a veil and dress infact. Kirsty and Hannah came to curl my hair in the morning with Jenny and Rachel (Bridesmaids). Louise came and took some photos of us getting ready. Predicatably we were ready way to early and once all the cars of guests and bridesmaids had left dad and I just sort of sat there waiting. Being Millican's, we left ready to arrive 30 seconds early - too early!After that I don't really remember much other than awesome worship, awesome preaching and awesome friends. Can't wait until we get the dvd to watch the ceremony.
After the ceremony, we ate some chocices (genius idea dad) and then walked over to Worcester with the bridal party (some excellent shots of us walking through oxford). We took some group shots and then persuaded everyone to dissappear so that we could take photos of the two of us. Eventually Louise and Chris left us in Combibos to enjoy an iced-late and chat (the greatest part of the wedding, we just sat and talked for 40 minutes before going back to the church).
I didn't really eat anything at the wedding, too excited and too many people I wanted to talk to. This was a mistake, because I did manage to drink abit of champagne. Anyway, people seemed to really enjoy the food, icecream and even the tea. Our first dance was, predictably, tragic since we hadn't really thought about it. Favourite dance of the night was boom -shake the room. I didn't get to see all the people I wanted to talk to, a great shame. But people started leaving so we decided to leave early so that people could throw confetti at us.
Then we drove off, honeymoon spent in cheltnam and wales. Blissfully peaceful and restful.