(hosea 2 vs 19-20)
Mike's Version
I'm not sure what is supposed to be here so I shall write stuff. I
love Claire and she makes me very happy by loving me for the 4 year
old child am on the inside and with the 60 year old man on the
outside when I'm hungry and/or tired. I made the decision that I
wanted to be with Claire admittedly a long time beforeIi proposed but
hey who cares, the wedding wasn't going to be before I finished uni so
I felt under no pressure at all.
Claire's Version
During our relatonship so far, Mike influenced me alot, I calmed down, stopped freaking out about being on time as much (I had been known to turn up to parties before the host), learnt to relax, laughed alot and came to the conclusion that I wanted to marry him. So, after VInce and Jo's very public engagement in January, Mike told me he was 'no longer pretty sure he wanted to marry me, but sure sure', I (obviously) assumed a proposal was pending...cue a 7 month heart-wrenching wait with some very pointed conversations (such as by a bonfire at the student weekend away). What was he waiting for? (I wondered).