(hosea 2 vs 19-20)
Wedding Details
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Reception
Wedding People
     Best Man and Ushers
     Band, AVs and Organist
     Other Useful People
Wedding Gifts
Craft Bridesmaid: Rachel Kennerley
Nick-name: Kenners, among others.
I first met Rachel accross the quad on my first day at Worcester College when I was wearing baggy trousers and carrying a guitar. We bonded over the terrible music on our first fresher night out. We lived together in 3rd and 4th years and her and Andrzej were honorary housemates in my 2nd year house. I will be trusting Rachel with anything which requires artistic talent, or neat handwriting and the like! Rachel will be the tallest member of the entire bridal party including the menfolk.
Calm Bridesmaid: Jenny Ward
Nick-name: I doubt Jenny has a nick-name
I'm not really sure how Jenny came into my life, but during our 4th year we spent most Risky's sitting together, many afternoons in Combibos revising over coffee, and many lunchtimes with her cooking me pasta. Since leaving uni she's stayed in Oxford and at Aldates and this means I get to spend lots of time with her. Jenny knows everything we need to know about St Aldates so on the day of the wedding, she'll be the one to ask. Meanwhile she is also very good at knowing what needs to be sorting and getting me to do it - sort of like when we were revising then!
Sister Bridesmaid: Jenny Millican
Nick-name: The other Jenny.
My little sister managed to organise a surprise party for mum's 50th and keep it a surprise for 8 months, I was home for a day and managed to almost ruin it - therefore she'll be awesome at 1. lying to me if anything goes wrong and 2. sorting everything out. She was a bit of a party animal at mum's birthday so I'm sure she'll also keep everyone entertained and make sure people are having fun.