(hosea 2 vs 19-20)
Wedding Details
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Reception
Wedding People
     Best Man and Ushers
     Band, AVs and Organist
     Other Useful People
Wedding Gifts
Best Man: Chris Lucas
Nick-name: Carol/B
Chris has been about as long as I can remember; in fact there is photographic evidence from even before then. He has been the cleverer, taller version of me for most of his life but the tables have turned. I’m now the far younger, taller, thinner, fitter, better looking one. Ok at least some of those are facts and Claire will agree with me on the opinions. All in all he’s my brother, best man and my best friend.
Usher 1: Dan Bloice-Smith
Nick-name: Bloicey
Dan was one of the first people I met when I got to uni going to church in my first week. We realised that we were both engineers and that we both Christians we then ended up living together in our second year and the fun and hilarity ensued. Dan is responsible for my ill-fated Mikey B nickname as we as me mooning the entire of Iffley Road out of his bedroom window….
Usher 2: Tam Hamilton
Nick-name: Tam/Randy Tam
Tam was the random little Scottish guy that was also an engineer who turned up at uni as a not so sweet and slightly innocent 17 year old and then discovered drinking, which subsequently left him nocturnal. This came to a head when he was spotted in lectures with a jar of instant coffee and a spoon… it can be said that that day was not a good one. Other than that have spent many days riding various sorts of bikes up and down various sorts of hills normally tam being the fastest down them and it being fairly close up them…. Oh and he also lived with me in my second year.
Usher 3: Pete Rawcliffe
Nick-name: Pete “the meat” Rawcliffe, smelly Pete, greasy Pete.
Pete was another one of my housemates in my second year, he was the greasy one who always had no working brakes on his bike, seriously if he offers to help just rub some oil on you pads you will be better off. He also has the embarrassing story of the toilet leaking onto his bed (it was a great house); and his Reliant Scimitar, which he is still restoring to this day. The Sim, as he calls it, was sabotaged by Tam and our other housemate Ben who wired up the horn to the starter motor while Pete was asleep in bed. When he went to start the car the next morning, all that happened was the horn going off… poor Pete....