(hosea 2 vs 19-20)


hearts Lead (Keys): Lauren Keenan - Claire's ex housemate so had to be the one to lead
Lead (Guitar): Owen Cottam - Mike and I got together under Owen's watchful eye as part of his student band
Bass: Adam Bates - Claire's bandmade in the lateservice
Drums/Percussion: Sam Kennedy, Lekai Lee and Luke Tarrassenko - all awesome people so we had to share it out between them
Electric Guitar: Rich Purves - Claire's bandmade in the lateservice
BVs: Jo Vitale and Olivia Wainwright - beautiful girls with beautiful voices
Violin: Linden Webster - the best violinist for worship
Cello: Iain McDermid - friend from carlisle, coming to be a worship intern next year
Organ: Mark Porter - Claire's favourite other man.


hearts Sound: Phil Wainwright - Captain of sound
Visuals: James Muscat - made us an awesome video for the register
Camera: Jamie Munro - turned up with a video camera, pointed at us during speeches
Photography: Louise & Chris, Simplicity Photography