(hosea 2 vs 19-20)
Wedding Details
Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Reception
Wedding People
     Best Man and Ushers
     Band, AVs and Organist
     Other Useful People
Wedding Gifts
Service Leader: Gordon Hickson - Gordon baptised Claire in 2007 so it seems appropriate for him to have married usReader: Nay Kyte - Mike's best friend growing up, also a beautiful lady
Sermon: Peter and Michelle Tepper - our student pastors who've known us for years and years
Prayers: Rich White, Matt and Jo Durber - Rich is our [other] worship pastor, Matt and Jo led our pastorate last year
The Rest
Flowers: Peter and Susan Stamper - friend's of the [millican] family, was mistrustful of such bright colours but they turned out awesomeMC: Mark Wheeler - funnier than the best man so did all the announcements
Organiser: Becca Dolling - Claire lived with Becca for 2 years and she proved her exceptional organising talent at the wedding
Hair: Hannah Stockley and Kirsty Walter - well, did it look nice?
Cake: Diane Lucas and Frances Wainwright - Frances again mistrustful of the jellybeans but, again, awesome